オンラインセミナー(webinar)へのご招待: Amazon DynamoDB の紹介
From: Amazon Web Services <no-reply-aws@amazon.com> Subject: Webinar Invitation: Introducing Amazon DynamoDB Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 08:44:22 +0000 (UTC) Dear Amazon Web Services Customer, Find out more about Amazon DynamoDB, our highly scalable, SSD-based, NoSQL database in the AWS Cloud at our February 15th webinar. We'll explain how DynamoDB works and also walk through some best practices and tips to get the most out of the service. After the presentation, we'll be answering questions from the audience. Register here for the webinar on February 15th at 10am PST: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet... Sincerely, Amazon Web Services Team We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. If you wish to remove yourself from receiving future product announcements and the monthly AWS Newsletter, please update your communication preferences at https://aws-portal.amazon.com/... Amazon Web Services LLC is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Amazon.com is a registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc. This message produced and distributed by Amazon Web Services, LLC, 1918 8th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101.
find out more about 〜 〜のことをもっとよく知る(?)
highly scalable 規模の拡張性が高い,スケールを大きくしやすい
SSD-based SSD(Solid State Drive フラッシュメモリドライブ)を使用した
NoSQL database 最近流行の、リレーショナルデータベースと違った考え方に基づくデータベース、データストア
webinar Web上で行われるオンラインセミナー, web + seminar, 日本では普及していない造語
walk through 実演する(?)
get the most out of 〜 〜を最大限活用する
After the presentation プレゼンの後で
audience 聴衆 参加者 オーディエンス
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